Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Service to the research community

  • Erven Rohou was a member of the program committees of DITAM-PARMA 2014, CC 2014, WPEA 2013.

  • Erven Rohou served as an expert for “Région Aquitaine”

  • Isabelle Puaut is a member of the program committees of ECRTS 2013, RTNS 2013, RTCSA 2013, RTAS 2014, SIES 2014.

  • Isabelle Puaut is member of the Executive Committee (EC) of the IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems (TCRTS). She is in the steering committee of the ECRTS, RTNS conferences and the WCET workshop.

  • Isabelle Puaut is in the management committee of the COST Action TACLe - Timing Analysis on Code-Level (http://www.tacle.eu ). She is responsible of Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) within TACLe. Damien Hardy and Isabelle Puaut participate to TACLe.

  • Damien Hardy is a member of the committees of RTNS 2014 and WCET 2014. He was a member of the program committee of WCET 2013, SIES 2013 WIP session and PACT 2013 where he was also the submission chair.

  • Pierre Michaud was a member of the program committee of the HPCC 2013 conference.

  • André Seznec is a member of the MICRO 2014 top picks committee and a member of SAMOS 2014 program committee.

  • André Seznec is a member of the editorial board of the IEEE Micro.

  • André Seznec was the Program co-chair of HiPEAC 2013, January 2013

  • André Seznec and François Bodin were Program co-chairs of PACT 2013, September 2013.

  • François Bodin was a member of ASPLOS 2014, CC 2013, SC 2013 tutorials program committees.

  • François Bodin is a member of "Comité de Prospective Scientifique" of the ANR.

  • François Bodin is a member of "Conseil Scientifique d'Orap".


  • Erven Rohou presented the ANR project W-SEPT at the bi-annual meeting of the “Communauté Française de Compilation”.

  • Emmanuel Riou and Nabil Hallou presented the Padrone tool at the HiPEAC Computing Systems Week.

  • I. Puaut has presented a seminar on "WCET estimation for multi-core architectures" at LIP6, Paris, in September 2013.

  • Damien Hardy, has presented a lesson on "Estimation de pires temps d'exècution (WCET - Worst- Case Execution Times)" at the "école d'été temps-réel" Toulouse, August 2013

  • André Seznec presented a keynote entitled "Faster unicores are still needed" at SAMOS XIII in Samos, Greece, July 2013.

  • André Seznec presented an invited presentation at Intel Braunschweig in January 2013.

  • François Bodin presented invited presentations at the EPOPPEA workshop associated with the HIPEAC 2013 conference, to the CSCI (Comité Stratégique pour le Calcul Intensif), at the HTPC workshop at University of Delaware and at Forum ORAP.

  • François Bodin presented a keynote at the HPC languages workshop in Lyon, July 2013

  • François presented a lesson at EU ComplexHPC Spring School in Uppsala, June 2013.